Make Kindness the Norm
Make every day Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Day! Imagine a world where everyone is friendly, generous and considerate. Where we all look out for each other. Where we all pay it forward. And where kindness is the norm. Don’t wait for a special day to connect with people through kindness while inspiring, empowering and teaching others to be kind. Explore the ideas behind RAK day and let them inspire you throughout the year.
Be a Cheerleader
Help a friend or loved one succeed. If you know someone who is on a health journey, reach out to them and let them know you are cheering them on. Share your own personal health journey and text or call with updates. Support each other along the way and celebrate each other’s victories, big or small.
Let Someone Know
Think of someone who brings joy and happiness into your life. Maybe it’s a friend, family member, or coworker who has made your day better. Call, text or write them to say, “thank you” and let them know you appreciate them. And remember to write a positive note to yourself, too!
Prioritize Yourself
Don’t forget to be kind to yourself along the way! A little self-care can go a long way toward supporting your mental and emotional wellbeing. Appreciating your body makes you want to take care of it. So whether it’s the healthy food you prepared or the time you took to exercise, celebrate how you’re being good to yourself—then spread the kindness!
Note: Since everyone’s health history and nutritional needs are so different, please make sure that you talk with your doctor and a registered dietitian to get advice about the diet and exercise plan that‘s right for you.