When Should You Start Thinking About Heart Health?
Trick question! “You’re never too young or too old to take care of your heart,” says Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum, a cardiovascular specialist and American Heart Association (AHA) volunteer. However, she adds, “Too many people get a late start.”
Here are some heart-healthy tips from Dr. Steinbaum and the AHA that apply to every age bracket. And remember: Following a balanced diet and moving more are two of the very best ways to keep your heart strong and healthy throughout life!
Your late teens and early 20s are the best years to act on healthy habits, even though heart health may be the last thing on your mind! Dr. Steinbaum suggests learning how to eat healthfully on a budget, exploring new forms of exercise, and more.
“A Certain Age”
No matter how you spent your 20s and 30s, your 40s are the time to formally take stock of your health. “Your doctor can tell where you stand with blood pressure, cholesterol, body mass index, and more,” says Dr. Steinbaum, “Then come up with a game plan to improve those numbers if needed.”
“Golden Years”
You’ve tackled so many of life’s opportunities and challenges, your 50s, 60s, and beyond are no time to slow down, especially when it comes to heart-healthy living! Choose nutritious foods that appeal to you, plan times to walk more, and get your friends involved.
Note: Since everyone’s health history and nutritional needs are so different, please make sure that you talk with your doctor and a registered dietitian to get advice about the diet and exercise plan that‘s right for you.