Diabetes 101
Good nutrition is one of the most important steps we can take towards bettering overall health. It’s especially impactful for the 30 million Americans currently living with and managing diabetes. Joanne DeRobertis, Aramark Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, who specializes in diabetes, explains what type 2 diabetes is and offers steps to help with prevention.
What Is Type 2 Diabetes?
It all comes down to how our bodies produce and process insulin. Joanne notes that “type 2 diabetes happens when your body either cannot produce enough insulin or just doesn’t respond to insulin the way it should.”
What Does Prevention Look Like?
Joanne emphasizes that type 2 diabetes can often be prevented or delayed with positive lifestyle choices. While no one food can prevent diabetes, following an overall healthy diet can help your body function properly. Also be mindful of staying active and, if you smoke, try to stop. Joanne reminds us that quitting is one of the best things you can do for your overall health.
What Else Is Important?
Remember, everyone’s health history and nutritional needs are different. Your doctor or registered dietitian can provide advice and set a plan that fits your needs. If you’re looking for additional information, the American Heart Association and American Diabetes Association have a wealth of knowledge. Visit their collaborative website for a variety of tools and resources.
Note: Since everyone’s health history and nutritional needs are so different, please make sure that you talk with your doctor and a registered dietitian to get advice about the diet and exercise plan that‘s right for you.