Always Something New
When you shop at your local grocery store or look at your favorite restaurant’s menu, you’ll notice that there’s usually something new. Our chefs are always checking out the latest trends. We sat down with Aramark Chefs Mike Coble, Marion Gibson and Tim Zintz to see what they have their eyes on —and to get a new, on-trend recipe to try!
From Plant-Based to Plant-Forward
Plants are popping up everywhere. Between milk and flour alternatives, protein options, and syrup swaps—as well as new butters and spreads—plant-based ingredients are everywhere. Plant-forward diets have gained traction in part because they are so flexible. “You can be plant-forward without being plant-exclusive,” Chef Marion says. “When people understand it’s not all-or-nothing, the idea feels much more approachable.”
Return of the Superfoods
If we believe in one thing, it’s that food can help us be our very best selves. This idea is gaining more and more momentum. “When you eat well, you feel well,” shares Chef Tim. “People are increasingly focusing on functional properties—what individual foods can do for your body.” From the antioxidants in foods like berries and olive oil to ingredients that may improve cognitive function, learn more about this trend.
Adventure Awaits
As international travel becomes more accessible and the U.S. more diverse, we’ve witnessed a globalization of flavors. “People are curious about others’ food and customs,” Chef Mike says. “They’re more willing to move outside their culinary comfort zone.” To keep up with this trend (and the first one!), try our Moroccan Vegetable Stew, a plant-forward mix of veggies and spices that will have you dreaming of far-off places.
Note: Since everyone’s health history and nutritional needs are so different, please make sure that you talk with your doctor and a registered dietitian to get advice about the diet and exercise plan that‘s right for you.