Leafy Spring Greens for the Win!
From hearty salads to savory stir-fries, and everything in between, spring greens harness the colors, flavors, and nutrient-packed goodness of the season. Ready to get even more excited about leafy powerhouses like spinach, kale, arugula, and mustard greens? Chef Andrew Bergholtz offers some of his favorite ways to use the greens you’ve been eating for years—and ideas to try some new things you’ve never tried before.
New Twists on Old Favorites
Chef Andrew (pictured) always looks for creative ways to use spring greens. “Instead of just using greens in salads, I try and utilize them in other ways—whether it’s a fresh pesto made with arugula, baked kale ‘chips,’ or braised dandelion greens,” he says.
Brighten Them Up
When cooking the heartier leafy greens like kale, mustard greens, and collards, splash a few drops of a good vinegar (sherry, red wine, or balsamic) on the greens just before they’re finished cooking. “This brings out the brightness of the greens and can cut through some of the bitterness,” he says.
Advice for the Skeptical
For those who haven’t had a good relationship with greens in the past, Chef Andrew says, “Keep trying them! There are so many resources out there to help spark ideas and creativity from recipe books to cooking shows and food blogs.” Try adding greens to pastas, tacos, sandwiches, and even smoothies.
Note: Since everyone’s health history and nutritional needs are so different, please make sure that you talk with your doctor and a registered dietitian to get advice about the diet and exercise plan that‘s right for you.