Nutritious, Delicious AND Easy!
Did you know that many people eat a plant-forward diet without even realizing it? Plant-forward simply means making plant-based foods like vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains the focus of your meals. Aramark Chef Andrew Bergholtz has some pointers to show how easy it really is.
Flip the Script
Many of us grew up with meals where meat was the focus and everything else was a side dish. Switch it up by placing plants front and center. “It’s all about letting vegetables and other plant foods become the stars,” says Chef Andrew. “And there are countless delicious ways to achieve that.” For example, try new takes on veggie burgers at your next barbeque!
Go on a Global Tour
Ready to take your taste buds around the world? Plant-forward doesn’t mean limiting the flavors or dishes you can eat. With an emphasis on sources of healthy fats like fish, nuts and olive oil, the Mediterranean diet is a timeless standard of how plant-forward can pack on delicious flavor plus health benefits.
Become a Protein Pro
You may not realize that protein can be found in both animal and plant sources. Take tofu, for example. “Many chefs consider tofu a blank slate because it can soak up amazing flavors from sauces and marinades,” explains Chef Andrew. Cook up our Sesame Tofu and Soba Noodle Salad recipe to see what he means.
Note: Since everyone’s health history and nutritional needs are so different, please make sure that you talk with your doctor and a registered dietitian to get advice about the diet and exercise plan that‘s right for you.